
Originalna prosidba

Originalna prosidba
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U eri modernih i digitalnih načina traženja ruke, pogledajte kako izgleda jedna originalna prosidba putem knjige za decu! O čemu se tačno radi, saznajte u tekstu koji sledi.

Dečko je lepo seo, zasukao rukave, napisao knjigu o ljubavi prema svojoj devojci, uključujući i samu scenu prosidbe, dao da se priča ilustruje, od nje napravi knjiga za decu, koju je sakrio u lokalnoj knjižari, gde je doveo devojku kako bi potražili baš neke dečije knjige za male rođake. A da je mislio na sve, govori i činjenica da je sakrio i fotografa koji je ovekovečio sam momenat prosidbe.


Bez daljeg odlaganja, evo kako se sve odigralo, a potom uživajte u ilustracijama i pravoj ljubavnoj priči:


There once was a gorilla

That fell for a giraffe.

She surprised him by how much

She could make him laugh.

The two, you see,

Were from different worlds

Their first date, so nervous,

He’d certainly hurl.

In spite of their differences,

It was love at first sight.

His feelings grew quickly,

His heart took to flight.

The gorilla, his life,

Unpolished and scattered

Now refined and focused

On those things that matter.

There were simply no words

For how lucky he’d gotten.

Without her by his side

Life would surely be rotten.

It’s hard to believe

Just how happy they were.

He could not imagine

Even one day without her.

So he got on one knee

And uttered the plea:

“My dearest giraffe,

Will you marry me?”

He felt his heart beating

Right out of his chest.

He could do nothing but wait

And hope she’d say YES.

When she finally answered

He could not stop grinning

Because he knew, in his heart,

This was just The Beginning!

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