
Mame ne žurite sa mršavljenjem! poručuje poznata pevačica!

Mame ne žurite sa mršavljenjem! poručuje poznata pevačica!
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Mame ne žurite sa mršavljenjem!, poruka je poznate country pevačice Jeesie James Decker  u poruci koju je ostavila fanovima na Instagramu.


Jessie je nedavno po drugi put postala mama i u vrlo ličnoj i otkrivajućoj Instagram objavi izjavila je kako novopečene mame ne treba da su previše stroge prema sebi i da ne žure sa mršavljenjem. Pevačica se zahvalila svima na komplimentima za dobar izgled koje prima i rekla kako je još daleko od idealnog, ali ne žuri jer doji i brine o dvoje dece.


„Povremeno šetam, ali još nisam počela da radim na gubljenju viška kilograma i ne žurim! Mame dojilje definitivno ne treba da pokušavaju sa dijetama ili će ostati bez mleka!“  poručila je Jessie svojim fanovima.


Pored toga, fotografija koju je objavila, pokazuje pevačicin stomak nakon carskog reza i poručila svima da nije savršena, ali da radi najbolje što može – što je ujedno i savet svim ostalim mamama.

I appreciate all of the sweet comments about how tiny I look after baby! But I don’t want to mislead any mommy’s who just had babies and are stressing! I gained 55 pounds with my daughter and only 27 this time! I gained so much with her because I threw up every day for five months and of course was starving after so I would shove anything in my mouth to make that hunger feeling go away. This time I ate very normal and would take occasional walks. I am still 15 pounds away from what I was originally before I got pregnant with Vivianne. I take occasional walks but haven’t done anything yet to try and lose weight and am in no rush! Nursing mamas should def not try and do any severe diets or milk supply will run low! My tummy is still swollen and you can see my c-section scar and pooch! I had another due to my 9lb baby and petite frame. So no rushing and no stressing about losing weight! Wanted to make sure y’all saw what my tummy looks like under the tank top and blazer…I do wear a belly waist train thingy a few hours here n there which helps c section mamas and swelling to go down. I am so glad we all can support each other. Being a mommy is so rewarding but hard work so we need to stick together and help each other out. I’m not perfect but I do my best. That’s what it’s all about. So never be hard on yourself. I’m going to try and do more posts like this. So feel free to ask anything below and will try and incorporate it in another mommy post! ❤️y’all

A photo posted by Jessie James Decker (@jessiejamesdecker) on


Zaista, u moru novopečenih mama koje još sa stola ustanu kao da su sišle sa modne piste, prija i godi da saznamo kako još uvek ima ono malo zravorazumskih poznatih ličnosti koje ne smatraju da treba da izgledaju kao da trudnoće nije ni bilo. Zar ne?

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